elegant aspirations

November 2020

Calling all Light Keepers

Illuminating the Months Ahead

By Caroline Phipps

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.”
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

For those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere, fall days are dwindling to a precious few as the colors fade and the sun’s rays lose their warmth. With the nights growing longer, the approach of winter can be unsettling under normal circumstances. However, 2020 is far from normal. COVID-19 is surging, and in the U.S., storms are battering our coasts while we navigate a painfully divided nation dealing with the aftermath of a bruising and exhausting election.

The path ahead is uncertain, but one thing we know for sure: the challenges we face are immense. When one person contracts the virus, we all suffer. When someone is gunned down simply for the color of their skin, we all lose. We all pay the price when our air and water are polluted by greed and incompetence. We are all at a loss if we are not all winning.

The question is: Will this be a long, dark road leading to an unknown destination, or can it be transformed into something more illuminating? I believe the answer lies in our hands.

It does not matter who we are, what side we are on, what we have, or where we live. Each one of us is a cog in a giant machine that can only function smoothly if all its parts work well together. We all matter. We have a choice: we can either be a beacon of light illuminating the path ahead or throw a spanner in the works by retreating into the shadows, creating more darkness for everyone.

Being a beacon of light is not complicated or difficult. We need to be mindful and aware of our actions, recognizing that everything we do and say either strengthens the light or intensifies the darkness.

When people are unkind, choose to be kind anyway. When others hurt you, forgive them anyway. Make an effort to empathize, call out genuine injustice when you see it, and avoid making lazy, blanket judgments. We are all facing significant challenges while grappling with the many frailties of being human. No one ever claimed it would be easy. Remember, being kind is far more powerful than being right. No one will remember if you were correct, but they will undoubtedly remember your kindness. Kindness is a healing force that improves your life and the lives of others.

Choose humility, kindness, and forgiveness when you feel outraged, resentful, or self-righteous—as we all likely will in the coming months. As Dave Chappelle said on SNL:

“You got to find a way to live your life. We have to find a way to forgive each other. Got to find a way to find joy in your existence despite that feeling.”

Consider this: despite all the injustice and pain, Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. held on to his dream of justice and equality—a dream so powerful and inspiring that his words continue to illuminate our path today. And why is that? Because his big, beautiful heart was expansive enough to include us all. Let’s allow that same light to guide us in the months to come as we embark on our journey toward a more peaceful and equitable world.