elegant aspirations

february 2020


what the world needs now

By Caroline Phipps

“What is the point of this story
What information pertains
The thought that life could be better
Is woven indelibly
Into our hearts and our brains.”

 “Train in the Distance”:
Lyrics by Paul Simon

Hope is one of our most powerful and complex emotional resources. Living with the anticipation of specific desired outcomes helps protect us fromlife'’s stresses. When someone we love falls ill, those who hold onto hope are sustained and comforted by the belief that their loved one will recover soon. We plant seeds in the soil, hoping for flowers. We open Berkshire Style in hopes of finding beauty and inspiration.

Hope significantly impacts the quality of our daily lives. Hope is often said to be so essential to well-being that there is literally” no life without hope.” Hope plays a crucial role in our physical and emotional health, helping us become the best versions of ourselves and even strengthening our immune systems.

Many of us maintain a strong faith or belief in something larger than ourselves. This may be a higher power, a movement, or even an institution. When harnessed by charismatic leaders, this powerful force can change the course of history for the better or for the worse.

However, in today' ’s world, even the most hopeful can succumb to feelings of hopelessness. Regardless of our affiliations or the strength of our spiritual beliefs, witnessing the erosion of our institutions, the degradation of our planet, and the breakdown of relationships between people and nations can diminish our hope for a better future.

Human beings need connection because we are inherently social. The very fabric of our hope is woven from the threads of our relationships with others and our connection to the earth. When these threads are threatened, it'’s no wonder we can feel hopeless. Unfortunately, hopelessness can also be contagious.

Therefore, we not only owe it to ourselves to uplift our spirits, but we also have an obligation to do so for one another. Simple strategies for self-care and connection can make a significant difference: getting enough sleep, going for a walk, listing things you're grateful for, offering a helping hand, taking time to talk to a stranger, being kind, and making the most of your screen time.

The beauty of nurturing hope is that it is self-sustaining. Hopeful individuals tend to be more enthusiastic, trusting, resilient, motivated, and open to new experiences. They seek the good in situations, strive for their goals, and dare to dream big. They are inspirational and pleasant to be around, attracting positivity and, in turn, inspiring those around them to feel more hopeful.

We are all in this together! Be a beacon of hope. Hope walks hand in hand with love, which the world needs now.

*With Berkshire Style, our hopes are always fulfilled!*