elegant aspirations
April 2020
We Are All Connected
Covid-19 Sheds Light on a Universal Truth
By Caroline Phipps
No one is immune to the effects of COVID-19. Its powerful reach extends across oceans and borders, seemingly indifferent to wealth or status, revealing many issues that previously went unnoticed. We see the older man restocking empty supermarket shelves, the sanitation crew at the hospital cleaning the floors, and the challenging conditions faced by Amazon workers. Our perceptions of what is essential and valuable have changed dramatically, perhaps forever.
Nothing is ever certain in this world, even though we often behave as if it is. We live as if demanding that people and events conform to our expectations will somehow make reality align with our ideals of how things are meant to be. This virus shows us that our certainties are far from certain.
Uncomfortable subjects that we might have avoided are now front and center: Some children receive their only proper meals at school. Many people live on the streets through no fault of their own. For some, sheltering at home is impossible due to abusive situations. The list goes on.
Before COVID-19, many of us were increasingly disturbed by the isolationist and greedy direction the world was taking. I believe this pandemic will create a profound shift in awareness and understanding. It is now impossible to ignore the truth of our interconnectedness as a global family and our dependence on Mother Earth, who graciously provides us with the breath of life.
This is not just wishful thinking. The world’s scientists make it clear that working together is our only hope of navigating this crisis without causing additional catastrophic loss of life. It only takes one infected person to endanger countless others. Suddenly, people without health insurance or those who cannot shelter in place are no longer just sad statistics. Their fate is intertwined with ours. We are them, and they are us. COVID-19 illuminates the universal truth of “We are One” in brighter lights than anything Times Square can offer.
For those of us fortunate enough to have the luxury of a safe “time out,” let’s use this opportunity to focus on what truly matters, identify what holds genuine value, and find ways to support those on the frontlines and those around the world who lack a safe place to call home. Events of this magnitude have a way of defining generations and changing our world forever. Let’s roll up our collective sleeves and work together to lay the foundations for a kinder and more equitable future.