Discover the elegance within you by exploring the Living With Inner Elegance video archive.
Discover the elegance within you by exploring the Living With Inner Elegance video archive.
Finding joy and contentment in life's simple pleasures is crucial to avoid future regrets.
In this article, I explore the tendency to focus on negativity and the importance of seeking out positivity and good news to balance our perspective.
We live in a dynamic, competitive culture heavily focused on the vocal selling of something - anything from ideas to people to products.
In a world where one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist, making the decision to resist or desist matters because how we resist or desist matters to everyone.
Integrity has always been a challenge, but in today’s “post shame” atmosphere, aspirations and dignity of integrous behavior are under assault when stepping on others creates unprecedented collective suffering.
With the benefit of hindsight, 2023 was a year of revelation.
Following the release of the Surgeon General’s advisory addressing the "epidemic of loneliness and isolation", much attention is paid to feeling lonely.
"The most boring and the most dangerous people are those self-righteous people who would have you believe they have no skeletons in their closets. They have no closets. They’re full of baloney. Before judging anybody, you should look at yourself and have enough courage to admit what you see."
Maya Angelou
Everything in our world has a light side and a dark side and Love is no exception. We can Leverage our Love in many ways and some of those ways have a seamy, shadowy under-side. I use the word Shadow here because the dark side of Love is often consciously or unconsciously hidden away from plain sight, making it hard to shed light on what is really happening.
To find meaning in life and to understand who we are demands a conscious and diligent search for the authentic self. And to find the authentic self, we must do our utmost to align mind, body, and spirit.
Exploring contradictions and anomalies in today’s relationships between men and women.
Inspirations For Living With Inner Elegance Video Series “What’s Next?” explores what’s happening to us behind the chaotic and divisive headlines this holiday season.